
NPD in action: Energy Boost

Jun 2019

All food provides energy but some of it may feature ingredients with a special focus on boosting energy levels and maintaining alertness. Sports nutrition is the leading category for energy boosting food and beverage launches with an average annual growth of 44 percent, tracked globally between 2014 and 2018.


Naak Bouchées Energétiques au Grillon Choco Banane: Choco Banana Cricket Energy Bites (Canada). Chocolate and banana flavored energy bites with cricket protein in a 120g resealable plastic pouch. Contains 16g protein per bag. High in vitamin B12. Natural sugar only. Cricket is a superfood: 2x more protein than beef.2x more iron than spinach.1.6x more calcium than milk.7x more vitamin B12 than salmon. Cricket is an eco-friendly protein. Compared to beef: 2000x less water, E100x less high emission, 13x less land, 12x less feed.