Trending in immunity: Kerry shines light on proactivity and trust
19 Jun 2020 --- While immunity has long been a mainstay of the supplement industry, COVID-19 has created demand like never before. This has led to increased innovation and NPD in this space, as told to NutritionInsight by Laura Collins, Business Development Specialist with Kerry Taste and Nutrition, and who has a Ph.D. in Immunology. The company’s Wellmune brand has now revealed three major trends in immunity that have appeared since the pandemic took hold, which tap into healthiness as a way of life, as well as being proactive and building loyalty.
“The demand for immunity is driven by the new normal. However, pre-COVID-19, we knew that immunity was really top of mind for consumers. There have been many statistics floating around recently, but the one I find most powerful is that searches for the immune system as a desired function of food rose 670 percent globally in the first two weeks of March. This is a good indication of immune health demands from consumers at this time and pre-COVID-19,” Collins details.
According to an Innova Market Insights consumer survey conducted in late March, there has been a particularly strong uplift in the consumption of products that boost immunity in Asia and South America. Over 70 percent of Indian and Indonesian consumers are eating or drinking more products that boost their immune system, in comparison to nearly 40 percent of US consumers. Meanwhile, German and Dutch consumers have seen the lowest shift to health.
Collins states that consumers are taking a long-term preventive approach to their health now more than ever. While they’re seeking these benefits from food, beverages and supplements, they find it hard to find innovative products that are natural, safe and clinically proven for the entire family. However, Collins is seeing increased innovation and NPD in this space.
Specifically, she notes that Wellmune, an immunity-boosting yeast beta-glucan ingredient, is being added to on-the-go-shots and kids’ pouches. Other applications include snacks, supplements, dairy and nutritional beverages, including those that are enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Enhancing wellness
Wellmune’s first immunity trend is “healthy as a way of life.” The brand details that consumers focused on stockpiling supplies in two waves, with the first focusing on proactive immunity and health management categories. These include vitamins and supplements, antiseptics and homeopathic medicines. Meanwhile, the second wave saw the rise of pantry preparation categories for quarantined living, which included shelf-stable categories.
The next trend, “proactive pursuit of quality of life,” details how among most age groups, a desire to appreciate and improve upon the quality of life became more evident. This was as consumers began to more proactively focus on supplements to support their immunity.
Wellmune notes that Baby Boomers have often been associated with a sense of being forever young. As Boomers became more aware of the pandemic’s effects on their age group, this ethos was replaced by increasing investment in their immune health. As a result, in the months following the pandemic outbreak, this demographic turned more frequently to functional products.
Although Generation X was not hit as hard by the virus as their elders, trends that began gaining momentum even before the pandemic spelled out a greater focus on health for this group as well. These consumers are looking to take a more active approach to their overall health and diets to stave off the threat of disease and illness later in life – even if they consider themselves healthy now. Therefore, these consumers often seek on-the-go solutions as they juggle working and caring for their parents and children, which taps into Innova Market Insights’ “The Right Bite” trend. The market researcher also flags major attitudinal differences between generations.
Bolstering brand trust
Finally, Wellmune’s trend of “loyalty and trust” centers around consumers wanting brands and retailers to act in a responsible manner, both now and in the future. Collins details that brands need to be mindful of the degree that they deliver on an immunity claim. Because shopping has become less of a leisurely activity and is now more centered on obtaining the essentials, consumers are relying on brand reputation. Reading labels and looking to manufacturers to be transparent about their products’ efficacy is now an even greater priority for consumers, according to Wellmune.
“Just prior to the pandemic, a global consumer survey carried out by Kerry found that 39 percent of consumers would be more likely to buy a healthy lifestyle product with claims based on scientific evidence. Post-COVID-19, consumers may pay even more attention to the science of food functionality and consumers want food that will support their immune system,” Collins concludes.
In April, Kerry’s Vice President told NutritionInsight that the pandemic would lead to “long-lasting” changes in popular attitudes surrounding immune health. Earlier this year, he also predicted that the popularity of drinks with functional benefits would increase at a rapid pace throughout 2020.
By Katherine Durrell, with additional reporting by Benjamin Ferrer
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