Gencor discovers billygoat weed supplements can combat hair loss
13 Jul 2023 ---Ayurveda-rooted ingredients supplier Gencor has found that HairAGE improves hair growth for men and women. The oral supplement contains an extract of Ageratum conyzoides, also known as billygoat weed, which is a tropical herbal plant from Africa.
“Gencor was invited to investigate the botanical HairAGE by Madras University in India due to their indication that this has been traditionally used to support hair health,” Dr. Christopher Bailey, director of Scientific Affairs at Gencor, tells Personal Care Insights.
“From there, we reviewed existing literature and conducted preclinical research as well as human clinical trials to understand the mechanism of action, safety, and efficacy.”
Ramasamy V. Venkatesh, co-founder at Gencor comments: “This clinical trial supports the mechanism of action as well as showing hair recession consistent with what we have seen in the in vitro, open-label and double-blind topical studies with HairAGE.”
“According to this research, HairAGE can now effectively be incorporated as an oral dietary supplement for improved hair health, giving more flexibility in applications for women and men.”
Hairline improvement
The study, published in Journal Trichology and Cosmetology, included 84 healthy women and men experiencing hair loss. “An improvement in hair growth” was found following the 12-week supplementation of Ageratum conyzoides extract.
Participants in the study orally took 250 mg of HairAGE or a placebo over 12 weeks and experienced a “significant reduction” in the appearance of hairline recession compared to the placebo group.
“Some ingredients available for formulators to use for hair health simply act as a form of supplementation to address nutritional deficiencies. HairAGE is unique in that we have a mechanism of action that is distinct from the use of vitamins or minerals that are readily obtained by consuming a balanced diet,” explains Bailey.
In addition, a substantial decrease in total prostaglandins was observed in the active group compared to the placebo group. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids that control processes, including inflammation, explains Gencor.
The study validated in vitro tests of prostaglandin’s mechanism, suggesting that the supplement balances the body’s inflammatory response, ensuring better hair growth.
Last year, similar research was carried out on topical application of Ageratum conyzoides, finding a significant increase in density and decreased hair loss ratio.
“Gencor’s goal is to educate formulators and brands on the benefits of HairAGE to encourage its incorporation into new, innovative formulas, and by extension, enable access to this unique ingredient to consumers worldwide,” highlights Bailey.
Especially effective for males
HairAGE had a more effective impact on males than females.
“The male participants experienced a statistically significant reduction in the change from baseline in type-2 5-alpha reductase – known to influence hair loss and thinness – with a decrease from baseline in the HairAGE group and an increase in the placebo group,” notes Gencor.
“This again validates the action of inhibition of 5-alpha reductase, as seen in its earlier in-vitro study.”
The study authors highlight that androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is partially genetically predetermined. The condition is a progressive form of hair loss, affecting approximately 50% of men and women. For women, female-pattern baldness is experienced after menopause, and in men AGA occurs after puberty.
“AGA is largely driven by the androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Both DHT, and the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT – 5-alpha reductase – are increased in the bald scalp,” explain the authors.
Bailey says that previous literature by other researchers suggested that the plant HairAGE is made from, Ageratum conyzoides, can support a balanced inflammatory response. “Gencor published an earlier trial which demonstrated in a laboratory study in cells involved in hair growth (dermal papilla cells), there was an inhibition of the release of prostaglandin D2, which has been implicated in hair loss.”
“In the current study of both men and women, it was found that there was a significant reduction in total prostaglandins in the HairAGE group in comparison to the placebo group,” he continues.
Hair care in spotlight
The nutricosmetics market benefits from a growing demand for products that boost overall well-being and holistic health.
Solutions to prevent hair loss proliferated with new introductions of personalized treatment plans, such as “human-to-human compatible” cell-based topical solutions and supplement launches targeting hair loss.
In related news, biopharmaceutical company Amplifica Holdings Group utilized the discovery of a molecule for treating hair loss from the University of California Irvine, US.
By Venya Patel
This feature is provided by Nutrition Insight’s sister website, Personal Care Insights.
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